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RPS Safety Policies

RPS has established a safe and enabling environment, which meets educational demands as well as facilities holistic learning, life skills and values among its students.

As part of the school's overall vision, RPS has developed a zero tolerance policy towards bullying and corporal punishment. The faculty has been enabled to immediately and effectively tackle the negative influences of the internet, peer group pressures, lack of role models and other behavioural issues, which may contribute to indiscipline and bullying among students.

We recognise the detrimental effects and consequences of corporal punishment and pullying on multiple fronts; namely physical, emotional, social and mental well being of a child. Additionally, they can cause serious repercussions on the self-esteem and self confidence of children.

Cyber bullying is another vicious type of bullying that could assume life-threatening proportions, if not dealt with urgently.

Unsupervised students in possession of cameras, cell phones and access to Internet will be pro-actively tackled, and a strong values curriculum is buttressed.

Thousands of children bear emotional and physical scars as a result of insensitive desciplining in the form of corporal punishment and the inability of adults in their environment unable to address physical, verbal, social and/or cyber bullying that they may be subjected to. The overall development of the child is hampered unless these issues are appropriately and promptly dealt with.

The bullying prevention and positive discplining capacity building processes, which include modules on effective classroom management are aimed at making school environments safe and enabling.