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Principal's Message

My Dear RPS Family,

"An attitude of gratitude" is the song of our hearts, for the goodness of the Almighty in having seen us through another successful year. "Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it" And at the close of the past academic year, there is not the shadow of a doubt that RPS is blessed school indeed.

As your Head of School, my message to both staff & students is simply that may all our studies, our duties, our commitments, our words, and actions be geared towards "touching hearts & changing lives"

At the end of the day, what really matters, and what will last a life time, is the positive change we set out to achieve in the lives of our students, and as colleagues one with the other. Pledge to walk the extra with dedication, commitment & passion. Set out to be a role model, even though the rewards may not always be apparent or tangible.

My challenge therefore, to ALL our able staff is to BE DIFFERENT, to push yourself just that extra one percent. It could make a world of a difference for that one "special" student. There is a genius in your class room. There is a potential world leader besides your table, or lounging nonchalantly at the back of your classroom. There is a bundle of promise & possibilities in that little child looking into your eyes with hero worship. There is a GREAT SOMEBODY tugging the tips of your finger, or even demanding your attention. Start the new academic year with zeal, zest & gusto to indeed "touch hearts & change lives" of all the students you come into contact with, determining in your hearts to love our students, unconditionally!

And students, may we show our utmost respect and devotion to our teachers at all times.

God Bless!

Ms.Rajni Sharma

Head of School / Principal